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Day 11 -- ANXIETY SUCKS!! -- 30-Day Vlog (ALL under 2 minutes)

I've decided to CHALLENGE MYSELF to a 30-Day Vlog..

The PURPOSE is to share some of the ups and downs of a month's time AND to offer some valuable LESSONS I learn along the way.. I'll be including both old AND new content.

For today?

This is a video from end of winter when I was working with a stressful situation in my life and ANXIETY was apparent.

Certain feelings as STRESS & ANXIETY may never completely disappear, BUT we can learn how to deal with them in a much more effective manner. I'm STILL learning..

What's interesting now is that I have children who are watching my every move, INCLUDING, but not limited to, how I deal with 'not-so-good' feelings.

My goal is to get a little better as a human being every day.

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